04/23/2022 Grafton Garden Club Presents: Grafton Clean-up Day
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2022
Time: 9am-noon
Name: Grafton Garden Club Presents: Grafton Cleanup Day
Location: Grafton Common
Description: Participate in this Spring event to help clean up the town of Grafton. This is a great way to come together for the good of our community. Create a team and clean up a neighborhood. Planning for this has been ongoing and is kicking into high gear now. Helen Blazis has asked the Grafton Department of Public Works (DPW) to order plenty of the yellow bags as well as sugar maple and white oak seedlings to give away. The bags will be available at the Municipal Center the week before Clean-up Day as well as the Common the morning of April 23, 2022. We will allow people to collect trash the week of April 18. Savers Bank will provide water and we’ll ask Pepperoni Express for coupons for pizza and Swirls and Scoops for ice cream. We will be at the Common from 9am to noon on April 23. Please come out and help us hand out supplies, refreshments, and thank yous to the crews.
Cost: Free